Bridget has cystic fibrosis.  A progressive and genetic disease that causes persistent lung infections and limits the ability to breathe over time. Bridget is 14 years old.  She is very sick.  Her lungs functions are in the  40 percentile range, and often drops to the 30 percentile.

What does this mean? Its time for a double lung transplant evaluation! When the call came in from Houston Texas Childrens Hospital to this Butte, MT family a new beginning was to start.. The time has come for Bridget to undergo an evaluation.  She must prepare herself for this new journey in her life.  She must prepare herself mentally and physically. The wait for new lungs could be a long time, and in the meatime, preparations of the unknown enter into her life.

Travel to Texas Childrens Hospital will take its toll financially for this family.   We can not let this family down.  They need our help to get them to Texas and the ongoing support that is needed.

We need you!  We ask that you donate to Bridgets flight of hope, to let her know that you care, that she is not alone in this walk of cystic fibrosis.  CDBF strives to assists our families to help reduce the financial burden of this disease.

Please help us help Bridget.   We ask that you donate to Saving Bridget Campaign.  You can donate on line at or send a check to The Cody Dieruf Benefit Foundation P O Box 6044 Bozeman, MT  59771

PS:  Please Help Us Help Bridget