Sierra has Cystic Fibrosis. She is 12 years old and is on day 7 of her hospitalization due to a drop in lung functions. Sierra lives in Boise, Id. To make good use of her time, Sierra decided to make bracelets. The hospital staff started to purchase them. Sierra learned of our “Saving Bridget” campaign. 14 year old Bridget Mallo from Butte, MT is going to Houston Children’s Hospital for an initial evaluation for a lung transplant on January 6, 2019 and returning on January 12, 2019. Sierra has decided to sell her bracelets to help Bridget. All funds raised through the purchase of her bracelets will be used for Bridget. They come in all shapes and sizes, adult/child, and you choose your color. They are $5.00 plus $1.00 for shipping.
Place your order and help Bridget. Click the donate button on our web page and be sure to type in message, Sierra’s bracelets. Your size, and your color.
Sierra is an amazing young gal who wants to be a part of doing something good. She says, ” We need to help each other, as a teen we don’t get the Normal Life”.
If you don’t want a necklace, you can still donate to our “Saving Bridget” campaign.
From Idaho to Montana, Sierra says, “you are not alone, Bridget.”