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Thank you for visiting us today! For over fifteen years we have served the Cystic Fibrosis (CF) community in Bozeman and surrounding counties with programs that support emotional and financial health. Now, we’re excited to bring those programs to everybody in Montana with CF.
If you have been touched by CF, we hope this webpage inspires you to apply for one of our programs. Every dollar we’ve raised is to benefit you—so please take advantage of it!
If you are not living with CF, we hope this webpage encourages you to become an advocate in your community on behalf of those who are. An act as simple as sharing this page to your social media feed goes a long way to help us introduce our resources to those who need them most.
Thank you,
The Cody Dieruf Foundation
Use the Table of Contents below to find the specific information you’re looking for on this page, or just scroll down to read all about us and our programs.

What is Cystic Fibrosis?
Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a progressive, inherited disorder that causes severe damage to the lungs and digestive system, as well as other organs in the body. CF does this by affecting the production of mucus and digestive fluids. These fluids are traditionally used as lubricants throughout the body, but CF transforms them into thick, sticky obstacles that plug up tubes, ducts, and passageways.
There are a number of symptoms associated with CF, and they range in severity from person to person. However, the most typical would be:
- Reduced lung functionality
- Frequent coughing or wheezing
- Salty-tasting skin
- A large appetite but poor weight gain

What is the Cody Dieruf Foundation?
The Cody Dieruf Foundation was founded in 2006 by George and Ginny Dieruf in honor of their daughter, Cody Nicole Dieruf.
Cody passed away April 28, 2005 at the age of 23 from Cystic Fibrosis, just eleven days away from graduating college.
Cody had a positive, courageous outlook on life. She said, “I want to fill my life with as many experiences as my body will allow and to fill each day, each minute, with as much beauty as I can, because I know this body and these minutes are not for forever.”
Before her passing, Cody asked her parents to help others who have been touched by CF like herself. This wish birthed the Cody Dieruf Foundation (CDF). Not only does CDF provide emotional and financial support, but we also strive to inspire the same life experiences that Cody treasured.

The REC & FIT Scholarship
The REC & FIT Scholarship supports Montanans living with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) financially by assisting with costs related to personal fitness.
Research has shown that regular physical activity provides many benefits for those living with CF like improved lung function and improved mood.
Nearly any fitness related cost is eligible for a REC & FIT Scholarship. Some examples are:
- Youth sports registration fees
- A stationary exercise bike
- A seasonal ski pass
- Gym memberships
- Yoga classes
Like all Cody Dieruf Foundation programs, this scholarship is available to any resident of Montana or Montana’s interior Tribal Nations who is living with CF. While there may be limitations, this scholarship is not strictly needs based.

The Medical Assistance Program
The Medical Assistance program supports Montanans living with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) by assisting with medical costs not covered by personal health insurance.
Living with CF can be expensive, especially in Montana. The only certified CF care center in the state is the Billings Clinic, meaning many have to travel great distances for in-person care.
The Cody Dieruf Foundation helps cover the cost of travel to a CF care center, as well as other medical expenses not covered by insurance like:
- Deductibles
- Co-pays
- Prescriptions
- Medical Equipment
We may also, in limited circumstances, fund a special life experience for extended-stay patients.
Like all Cody Dieruf Foundation programs, this program is available to any resident of Montana or Montana’s interior Tribal Nations who is living with CF. While there may be limitations, this program is not strictly needs based.

The Annual Mother’s Retreat
The Cody Dieruf Foundation hosts an annual retreat for the mothers of children living with Cystic Fibrosis titled “We Walk Together“.
Beyond a restful weekend, the retreat gives mothers the opportunity to connect with other participants who are also raising children with CF. These connections allow a space to share experiences, learn from each other, and find meaningful support.
All expenses of the retreat itself are covered by the Cody Dieruf Foundation.
This year, due to the on-going COVID-19 Pandemic and our commitment to the safety of our families, the “We Walk Together” mother’s retreat will be held virtually.

Join the Cody Family
We would love to invite you to join our Cody family!
For those touched by cystic fibrosis, registering below will allow us to reach you with important program updates—even if you’re not quite ready to apply.
For those inspired by our cause, registering below will keep you in-the-know on any events we host. You’ll also receive updates about what we’re up to and how we’re serving Montana.